is playing an increasingly important role in the global economy. Engineers
strive to automate all sorts of devices and integrate them into complex
computer systems to help people as much as possible in their activities.

In the
context of process automation we will learn the basic building blocks necessary
for implementation and control of automated systems. We will review a variety
of sensors, actuators, and programmable logical controllers (PLC). We will
learn how to program the latter and integrate them into reliable industrial
networks. We will also learn how to build a user-friendly supervisory control and
data acquisition system, and how to connect programmable logic controllers with
higher-level computer systems.

To get some
experience in the field, students have to set up a working system at practical
classes composed of a real industrial PLC and a model of industrial process
from scratch.

classes of the course are mandatory and are being assessed. The project created
during the practical classes represents half of the final grade. The second
half of the grade is obtained on the oral exam.