Poduk o pomenu in poteku izdelave diplomske naloge. Etika in plagiatorstvo.
1. naloga: vsak študent izbere mentorja in temo diplomske naloge!
Kako se lotimo iskanja in pregledovanja relevantne literature za izbrano temo. Vizualno in logično urejanje besedil. Pisanje strokovnih besedil (vrste, struktura, citiranje, priprava, jezik, recenziranje). Zaznavne in komunikacijske sposobnosti pri človeku (vid, sluh, otip, govor, pisava, neverbalno komuniciranje).
Vaje: Google Scholar, Microsoft Academic Research, Web of Knowledge, Cobiss in SICRIS, ePrints.FRI, LaTeX in BibTeX.
2. naloga: vsak študent pregleda širše področje teme svoje diplomske naloge in o tem napiše
pregledni članek.
Pomen obvladovanja osebne produktivnosti, projektni pristop k doseganju ciljev (tradicionalni, adaptivni in ekstremni projekti),
vizualizacijske metode za kreativne procese (miselne skice itd.). Govorne predstavitve (načrtovanje, projekcijski materiali, nastop).
Vaje: oblikovanje čimbolj jasno oblikovanih ciljev diplomske naloge in določanje korakov za njihovo doseganje. Metode za osebno produktivnost (Getting Things Done, Pomodoro), orodja za vizualizacijo miselnih vzorcev, orodja za pripravo projekcijskih materialov (MS PowerPoint, Impress, Prezi).
3. naloga: priprava govorne predstavitve o temi diplomske naloge (pregled, problem, načrtovana rešitev).
Pred govornim nastopom v okviru vaj mora vsebino predstavitve vsakemu študentu potrditi njegov mentor diplomske naloge!
Spodbuja se diskusija po govornih nastopih!
Znanstveno publiciranje (konference, revije, knjige, elektronske publikacije, odprt dostop, recenzije), zmogljivosti medmrežja (komuniciranje, okolja za sodelovanje, podatkovne zbirke, znanstvena in strokovna socialna omrežja), zaščita intelektualne lastnine (patenti, licence, avtorske pravice), kreativnost in načrtovanje kariere.
Vaje: individualno posvetovanje z asistenti o diplomskem delu – tutorski način dela.
4. naloga: študent pripravi osnutek svoje diplomske naloge v ciljnem formatu s pomočjo ustreznega vzorca LaTeX, ki bo ustrezno razčlenjen na poglavja. Pregledni članek in literaturo že ustrezno vključi v dokument. Pri tistih poglavjih, ki še ne bodo do konca napisana, točno določi korake, ki ga bodo pripeljali do zaključka dela na diplomski nalogi.
Izdelava in zagovor diplomske naloge:
Poleg predavanj zajema predmet tudi individualno delo na diplomski nalogi v sodelovanjem z izbranim mentorjem
Instruction on the purpose and process of preparing a diploma thesis. Ethics and plagiarism.
Homework 1: every student must select a menthor and a topic of his diploma thesis!
How to start with searching and studying the relevant literature for the selected topic. Visual and logical text editing. Writing of technical texts (types, structure, citing, preparation, language, reviewing). Perceptual and communicative capabilities of humans (sight, hearing, touch, speaking, writing, non-verbal communication).
Tutorial: Google Scholar, Microsoft Academic Research, Web of Knowledge, Cobiss and SICRIS, ePrints.FRI, LaTeX and BibTeX.
Homework 2: every student writes an overview article on the topic of his diploma thesis.
Managing of personal productivity, project based approach to reaching goals (traditional, adaptive and extreme projects), visualization methods for creative processes (mind maps etc.). Oral presentations (planning, projection materials, presentation).
Tutorial: outline of clearly defined goals of the diploma thesis and definition of steps in reaching these goals. Methods for personal productivity (Getting Things Done, Pomodoro), tools for visualization of mind maps, tools for preparation of projection materials (MS PowerPoint, Impress, Prezi).
Homework 3: preparation of oral presentation on the diploma thesis (overview, problem, solution).
Before the oral presentation in the framework of the tutorial every student must get an approaval of the contents of the presentation from his diploma menthor! Discussion after each presentation is encouraged!
Scientific publication (conferences, journals, books, e-publications, open access, reviews), resources on the Internet (communication, tools for cooperation, data bases, scientific social networks), protection of intellectual property (patents, licences, author rights), creativity and career planning.
Tutorial: individual consultation with assistants about the diploma thesis – tutor approach.
Homework 4: every student prepares the outline of his/hers diploma thesis in the final format with the help of the necessary LaTeX template by giving the chapter structure. The overview article and literature must be already integrated in the thesis outline. For the unfinished chapters, clear steps must be outlined what needs to be done in order to finish the diploma thesis.
Completion and defense of the diploma thesis:
in addition to the lectures, the course includes individual work on the diploma thesis under the supervision on the thesis advisor.
- nosilec: Marko Bajec
- nosilec: Franc Solina