주별 개요

  • Welcome to the Principles of Uncertainty Course!


    Aljaž Zalar (lecturer - probability part)
    Erik Štrumbelj (lecturer - statistics part; exams)
    David Nabergoj (TA)
    Leon Hvastja (tutor)

    The textbook and exercise handbook (see Resources) combined with the lectures and labs is all the material that you will need to learn and successfully pass the course. If you feel that some parts are not covered sufficiently or you find mistakes, we will appreciate any feedback you might have on how to improve the course or the materials.

    Post general and substantive questions here in the Discussion forum, so that everyone can benefit.


    R test
    • Demonstrate fluency in basic R.
    • In person 1-on-1 test with computer (you may bring your own laptop).
    • 0-15 minutes.
    • Pass/Fail, can be taken multiple times, must be passed before taking written exam.
    • Opportunity to pass at least once before each written exam.
    • See Resources for cheat sheet (it represents more or less what you should learn to do in R; you may refer to it during the exam if you forget a method name or operator, but don't use it as a crutch - to pass, you are expected to be comfortable and quick with the basics).
    • You can also access R's help, but you can't browse the internet.
    • There are many ways of doing things in R. It is OK to use a different method than those listed in the cheat sheet.

    Written exam
    • 10 theory questions, 10 problems (8 theory + 4 problems to pass).
    • No literature or computing devices allowed.
    • Optional oral exam for grade 10 for those that get at least a grade 9 (16 points out of 20) on written exam.
    • See Resources for example exam.
    • Midterms (new): The 1st Midterm will be in December (only topics covered up to that point) and, for those who pass the midterm, an option to take the 2nd Midterm instead of the 1st Exam. Midterms will be the same as the Exam (except that each will cover only approximately half of the content). If you pass both midterms, you can substitute your exam score with the average of the two midterms.

    • Set by TA each week.
    • Submit solution to your own repository.
    • May be reviewed, especially for higher grades.

  • Resources