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Today,computerscommunicate with each otherso intenesivelyand almostconstantly that wecannot evenimaginewhatwould we dowithoutnetworks:dietwithoutInternet - onlywith papermail andchatexclusivelyoff line?In Computer Communications will try toshed light on thebackgroundof communications services,which are todayused even by younger teens and modern granmas.Whathappens when youwriteinyour browser the address www.google.com? A whole army ofprocesses wakes up, computersand othernetwork devicesbegin to calleach other hastily andask:Doyou knowwho isGoogle,what is itsIPaddress andhow to get toit?Or, at least,who might know this?Well, since we manage to googledaily, the processesobviouslyknow the answers.Justasthey canagree on how toto deliver an e-mail to your colleaguein New Zealandorfind himonSkype,even thoughhe waslast weekin Alaska.In Computer Communications course, however,we will notonly talk about services.We will investigatewhy thenetworkdoes notbecome congested,what are theprotocolsand protocolobligationsof their majesties - computers,why they can communicateboth on wires or without them.We will not ignorethe dangersof theinformationhighways: a few notoriousattackswill be analyzed indetail, whilewe will also describeacomputerizedversionof seat belts andairbags,so that wealllive to seethe end ofthe semesteralive and well, but richerfor an interestingexperience.

Self enrolment (študent)
Self enrolment (študent)