Опции за запишување

1. Introduction to law 1.1. Legal acts and hierarchy of legal norms; 1.2. Public and private law division; 1.3. Meaning and role of the EU law in the Slovenian legal order; 1.4. Judicial system and legal sanctions: the basics. 2. (Personal) data protection 2.1. Personal data: definition; 2.2. General principles; 2.3. Data collection and data processing: legal framework; 2.4. Private and public law sanctions for personal data breach. 3. Cyber security and cyber crime 3.1. Cyber crime: phenomenology, epidemiology, laws related to cyber crime; 3.2. Cyber security and cyber crime: similarities and differences; 3.3. Cyber crime offences in Slovenian law; 3.4. Analysis of selected issues. 4. Intellectual property 4.1. General introduction; 4.2. Analysis of selected IP rights related to information technologies. 5. E-commerce 5.1. Formation of contracts and ecommerce: general introduction; 5.2. Selected types of contracts related to e-commerce (shrink-wrap contracts, click-wrap contracts, cloud computing contracts, smart contracts etc.); 5.3. Electronic signatures: legal aspects; 5.4. Legal regulation of online platforms (contract formation, online intermediary liability, online reviews and consumer protection, cross-border scenarios and international private law issues etc.). 6. Privacy 6.1. Introduction: terminology, legal aspects of privacy and boundaries of legal protection; 6.2. Legal aspects of privacy protection related to information technology. 7. Legal aspects of artificial intelligence 7.1. Challenges of legal regulation; 7.2. AI systems and civil liability; 7.3. AI systems and criminal liability. 

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Личен упис (študent)