Sprotne naloge 7
Требуемые условия завершения
Срок сдачи: понедельник, 16 декабря 2024, 23:56
1. Napišite zaporedje ukazov v zbirniku za procesor ARM, ki izračuna izraz STEV1 = STEV2 + STEV3, pri čemer so STEV1, STEV2 in STEV3 32-bitne nepredznačene spremenljivke z začetnimi vrednostmi (določite jih s psevdoukazi): STEV2 = 7fffffff(16), STEV3 = 80000001(16). Za STEV1 le rezervirajte prostor. Razložite stanje zastavic Z, C, V in N po izvedbi ukaza za seštevanje. Kakšna je končna vrednost STEV1? Zakaj?
2. Napišite zaporedje ukazov v zbirniku za procesor ARM, ki izračuna izraz STEV2 = STEV2 + STEV3, pri čemer sta STEV2 in STEV3 32-bitni nepredznačeni spremenljivki z zacetnima vrednostma (dolocite ju s psevdoukazi): STEV2 = 0, STEV3 = 0xffffffff. Razložite stanje zastavic Z, C, V in N po izvedbi ukaza za seštevanje. Kakšna je končna vrednost STEV2? Zakaj?
3. Kateri od naslednjih pogojnih skokov se bo izvršil, ce je stanje zastavic N=1, C=0, Z=0 in V=0?
a) bcc
b) bne
c) bge
d) bls
e) bmi
f) bcs
g) blt
4. Kateri od naslednjih programov se vedno vrtijo v zanki?
zanka: movs r1, #127
bne zanka
zanka: movs r1, #127
beq zanka
zanka: movs r1, #0
beq zanka
zanka: mov r1, #1
cmp r1, #25
bmi zanka
1. Write the sequence of instructions for the ARM processor, which calculates the expression STEV1 = STEV2 + STEV3, where STEV1, STEV2, and STEV3 are 32-bit unsigned variables with initial values (define them with pseudo-instructions): STEV2 = 7fffffff (hex), STEV3 = 80000001 (hex). Only reserve space for variable STEV1. Explain the state of the flags Z, C, V, and N after the execution of addition instruction. What is the final value of STEV1? Why (explain your result)?
2. Write the sequence of commands for the ARM processor, which calculates the expression STEV2 = STEV2 + STEV3, where STEV2 and STEV3 are 32-bit unsigned variables with initial values (specify them with pseudocouples): STEV2 = 0, STEV3 = 0xffffffff. Explain the state of the flags Z, C, V, and N after the execution of addition instruction. What is the final value of STEV2? Why (explain your result)?
3. Which of the following conditional branches will be performed if the status of the flags is N = 1, C = 0, Z = 0 and V = 0?
a) bcc
b) bne
c) bge
d) bls
e) bmi
f) bcs
g) blt
4. Which of the following short programs endlessly run in a loop?
loop: movs r1, # 127
bne loop
loop: movs r1, # 127
beq loop
loop: movs r1, # 0
beq loop
loop: mov r1, # 1
cmp r1, # 25
bmi loop
2. Napišite zaporedje ukazov v zbirniku za procesor ARM, ki izračuna izraz STEV2 = STEV2 + STEV3, pri čemer sta STEV2 in STEV3 32-bitni nepredznačeni spremenljivki z zacetnima vrednostma (dolocite ju s psevdoukazi): STEV2 = 0, STEV3 = 0xffffffff. Razložite stanje zastavic Z, C, V in N po izvedbi ukaza za seštevanje. Kakšna je končna vrednost STEV2? Zakaj?
3. Kateri od naslednjih pogojnih skokov se bo izvršil, ce je stanje zastavic N=1, C=0, Z=0 in V=0?
a) bcc
b) bne
c) bge
d) bls
e) bmi
f) bcs
g) blt
4. Kateri od naslednjih programov se vedno vrtijo v zanki?
zanka: movs r1, #127
bne zanka
zanka: movs r1, #127
beq zanka
zanka: movs r1, #0
beq zanka
zanka: mov r1, #1
cmp r1, #25
bmi zanka
1. Write the sequence of instructions for the ARM processor, which calculates the expression STEV1 = STEV2 + STEV3, where STEV1, STEV2, and STEV3 are 32-bit unsigned variables with initial values (define them with pseudo-instructions): STEV2 = 7fffffff (hex), STEV3 = 80000001 (hex). Only reserve space for variable STEV1. Explain the state of the flags Z, C, V, and N after the execution of addition instruction. What is the final value of STEV1? Why (explain your result)?
2. Write the sequence of commands for the ARM processor, which calculates the expression STEV2 = STEV2 + STEV3, where STEV2 and STEV3 are 32-bit unsigned variables with initial values (specify them with pseudocouples): STEV2 = 0, STEV3 = 0xffffffff. Explain the state of the flags Z, C, V, and N after the execution of addition instruction. What is the final value of STEV2? Why (explain your result)?
3. Which of the following conditional branches will be performed if the status of the flags is N = 1, C = 0, Z = 0 and V = 0?
a) bcc
b) bne
c) bge
d) bls
e) bmi
f) bcs
g) blt
4. Which of the following short programs endlessly run in a loop?
loop: movs r1, # 127
bne loop
loop: movs r1, # 127
beq loop
loop: movs r1, # 0
beq loop
loop: mov r1, # 1
cmp r1, # 25
bmi loop