Neobvezni izziv 8: Pogojno izvajanje ukazov
Completion requirements
Due: Monday, 23 December 2024, 11:56 PM
Naloge 1-3 predelajte z uporabo pogojnega izvajanja ukazov. Navedite in opišite le spremembe, ki ste jih naredili v programih in komentirajte, kako vam možnost uporabe pogojnega izvajanja ukazov olajša delo.
4. nalogo poskušajte realizirati s čimkrajšim programom (predpostavimo, da sta operanda že v registrih, kjer se nahaja tudi rezultat).
Rewrite assignments 1-3 using the conditional execution of instructions. List and describe only the changes that you made in the programs and comment on how the ability to use conditional implementation of commands makes it easier for you to write efficient programs.
4. Try to implement Euclid's algorithm with a shortest program possible (assuming that the operanda are already in the registers, where the result is also located).
4. nalogo poskušajte realizirati s čimkrajšim programom (predpostavimo, da sta operanda že v registrih, kjer se nahaja tudi rezultat).
Rewrite assignments 1-3 using the conditional execution of instructions. List and describe only the changes that you made in the programs and comment on how the ability to use conditional implementation of commands makes it easier for you to write efficient programs.
4. Try to implement Euclid's algorithm with a shortest program possible (assuming that the operanda are already in the registers, where the result is also located).