Računalniško preiskovanje in digitalna forenzika v slovenski Policiji / Computer investigation and Digital Forensics in Slovenian Police
Услови за завршување
Računalniško preiskovanje in forenzika digitalnih podatkov dobivata vse
večjo veljavo tudi v slovenski policiji. V prispevku se bomo dotaknili
razvoja področja računalniškega preiskovanja in digitalne forenzike v
policiji, organiziranost policije na tem področju ter opredelili
zakonske okvirje, v katerih moramo organi pregona delovati, ko
opravljamo tovrstne postopke. Opisali bomo nekatere tehnične, tehnološke
in druge rešitve, ki se jih poslužujemo v postopkih zavarovanj in
preiskav podatkov iz elektronskih naprav.
Computer investigation and digital forensics are gaining more and more importance in the Slovenian police as well. In the talk, we will touch the development of the field of computer investigation and digital forensics in the police, the organization of the police in this area, and introduce the legal framework in which law enforcement authorities must operate when carrying out procedures. We willalso describe some technical, technological and other solutions that we use in securinng and investigation of data from electronic devices.
Computer investigation and digital forensics are gaining more and more importance in the Slovenian police as well. In the talk, we will touch the development of the field of computer investigation and digital forensics in the police, the organization of the police in this area, and introduce the legal framework in which law enforcement authorities must operate when carrying out procedures. We willalso describe some technical, technological and other solutions that we use in securinng and investigation of data from electronic devices.
Последна промена: вторник, 19 март 2024, 18:41