Digital forensics
Извините, данный элемент курса сейчас скрыт
Section outline
Predavatelj / Lecturer: Andrej Brodnik
govorilne ure / office hours: tor / Tue - 6hAsistenta / Teaching assistants: Gašper Fele-Žorž, Aleks Huč
Predavanja / Lectures
Uvod in osnove / Introduction and basics
Računalniki in OS MS Windows / Computers and OS MS Windows
Datotečni sistemi na operacijskih sistemih Unix / Filesystem on Unix OS
Osnove računalniških omrežij za potrebe forenzike / Basics of computer networks for digital forensics
Mobilne naprave / Mobile devices
Digitalna forenzika slik / Digital forensics of images
Digitalna forenzika informacij odprtega tipa / Digital forensics of open source intelligence
Digitalna forenzika v kazenskem postopku / Digital forensics in criminal procedure
Izvajanje digitalne preiskave / Running digital investigationObveznosti / Course duties
Poglavja / Chapters 1 - 5.
Poglavji Chapters 15 & 17.
Poglavji / Chapters 18 & 19.
Poglavje / Chapter 20.
Varstvo pravice do zasebnosti v kazenskem postopku
Protection of the right to privacy in criminal procedure -
Poglavji Chapters 6 & 7.
Tukaj oddate seminarsko nalogo in tudi recenzije. Pri tem se prijavite s poljubnim vašim e-naslovom. / Here you hand in the essay and also reviews. You login with your e-address.
- 2. 3. 2025: izbira skupine / formation of the group
- 9. 3. 2025: predizbira teme / preliminary choice of the topic
- 16. 3. 2025: izbira teme / choice of the topic
- 11. 5. 2025: oddaja seminarske / handin the essay -- za oblikovanje uporabite navodila na, pri čemer uporabite tip dokumenta sigconf / deadline for handing in essay: May
12th15th. midnight; for formatting use instructions at use and use format type sigconf(EasyChair) - 23. 5. 2025:rok za oddajo predstavitve / deadline for handing in the presentation
- 25: 5. 2025: rok za oddajo recenzij / deadline for handing in reviews (EasyChair)
- 2. 6. 2025: rok za oddajo končnega izdelka / deadline for handing in the camera-ready essay (EasyChair)
- 7. 6. 2025: rok za oddajo mnenja o predstavitvah / deadline to hand in the opinion on colleagues presentations