// STM32F4 Discovery - Assembly template for CO LAB course
// Based on: https://github.com/fcayci/stm32f4-assembly
// Initializes USART2 device for single char transmit/receive
// Single char is sent on TX and, if loopback wire is installed (PD5-PD6), char is received on RX channel
// LED blinks on 0.5 secs, when TX and RX are working ok.

// Start with enabling thumb 32 mode since Cortex-M4 do not work with arm mode
// Unified syntax is used to enable good of the both words...

// Make sure to run arm-none-eabi-objdump.exe -d prj1.elf to check if
// the assembler used proper instructions. (Like ADDS)

.syntax unified
.cpu cortex-m4

//.arch armv7e-m

// Definitions
// Definitions section. Define all the registers and
// constants here for code readability.

// Constants
.equ    LEDDELAY,      4000
// By default 16MHz internal HSI clock is enabled
// Internal loop takes 4 cycles

// Register Addresses
// You can find the base addresses for all peripherals from Memory Map section
// RM0090 on page 64. Then the offsets can be found on their relevant sections.

// RCC  base address is 0x40023800
.equ    RCC_BASE,  0x40023800 // RCC AHB1 peripheral clock reg (page 180)
//  AHB1ENR register offset is 0x30
.equ    RCC_AHB1ENR,  0x30 // RCC AHB1 peripheral clock reg (page 180)
//  APB1ENR register offset is 0x30
.equ    RCC_APB1ENR,  0x40 // RCC APB1 peripheral clock reg (page 183)

// GPIOD base address is 0x40020C00
.equ    GPIOD_BASE,  0x40020C00 // GPIOD base address)
//  MODER register offset is 0x00
.equ    GPIOD_MODER,  0x00 // GPIOD port mode register (page 281)
//  ODR  register offset is 0x14
.equ    GPIOD_ODR,    0x14 // GPIOD output data register (page 283)
//  BSSR  register offset is 0x18
.equ    GPIOD_BSSR,    0x18 // GPIOD port set/reset register (page 284)
//  AFRL  register offset is 0x20
.equ    GPIOD_AFRL,    0x20 // GPIOD output data register (page 285)
.equ    GPIOD_AFRL_VALUE,    0x07700000 // AF7 on PD5,6

//Absolute addresses
// .equ    GPIOD_MODER,  0x40020C00 // GPIOD port mode register (page 281)
// .equ    GPIOD_ODR,    0x40020C14 // GPIOD output data register (page 283)
// .equ    GPIOD_BSSR,    0x40020C18 // GPIOD port set/reset register (page 284)

// USART2 base address is 0x40004400
.equ    USART2_BASE,  0x40004400 // USART2 base address)
//  SR register
.equ    USART2_SR,    0x00 // SR register (page 1007)
//  DR register
.equ    USART2_DR,    0x04 // SR register (page 1007)
//  BRR register
.equ    USART2_BRR,  0x08 // BRR register (page 1010)
.equ    USART2_BRR_VAL,  (52<<4)+0b0001 // BRR register
//  CR1 register
.equ    USART2_CR1,  0x0C // CR1 register
.equ    USART2_CR1_VAL,  0x200C // CR1 register

// SysTick Timer definitions
.equ    SCS, 0xe000e000
.equ    SCS_SYST_CSR, 0x10 // Control/Status register
.equ    SCS_SYST_RVR, 0x14 // Value to countdown from
.equ    SCS_SYST_CVR, 0x18 // Current value

.equ SYSTICK_RELOAD_1MS, 15999  //1 msec at 16MHz ...  16 000 000 / 500 - 1

// Values for BSSR register - pin 12
.equ    LEDs_ON,      0x0000F000
.equ    LEDs_OFF,  0xF0000000

// Start of text section
.section .text
// Vectors
// Vector table start
// Add all other processor specific exceptions/interrupts in order here
.long    __StackTop                // Top of the stack. from linker script
.long    _start +1                  // reset location, +1 for thumb mode

// Main code starts from here

    bl INIT_IO
    bl INIT_UART
    bl INIT_TC

    mov r0,#'a'
    bl SEND_UART

    bl LED_OFF

mov r0, 500

    bl RECV_UART


mov r0, 500

b loop                      // Jump to loop

  push {r5, r6, lr}
// Enable USART2 Peripheral Clock (bit 17 in APB1ENR register)
ldr r6, =RCC_BASE          // Load peripheral clock reg base address to r6
ldr r5, [r6,#RCC_APB1ENR]  // Read its content to r5
orr r5, #(1<<17)          // Set bit 17 to enable USART2 clock
str r5, [r6,#RCC_APB1ENR]  // Store result in peripheral clock register

ldr r6, =GPIOD_BASE      // Load GPIOD BASE address to r6
// Make GPIOD Pina 5,6 as AF7 (bits 20:27 in AFRL register)
ldr r5, [r6,#GPIOD_AFRL]  // Read GPIOD_AFRL content to r5
and r5, 0x0FF00000
str r5, [r6,#GPIOD_AFRL]  // Store result in GPIOD AFRL register

// Make GPIOD Pins 5,6 as AF (bits 10:13 in MODER register)
ldr r5, [r6,#GPIOD_MODER]  // Read GPIOD_MODER content to r5
and r5, 0xFFFFC3FF          // Clear bits
orr r5, 0x00002800          // Write 0b10 to bits
str r5, [r6,#GPIOD_MODER]                // Store result in GPIOD MODER register

ldr r6, =USART2_BASE      // Load USART2 BASE address to r6
// Set USART2 BaudRate
ldr r5, =USART2_BRR_VAL
str r5, [r6,#USART2_BRR]                // Store result in GPIOD MODER register
// Start USART2
ldr r5, =USART2_CR1_VAL
str r5, [r6,#USART2_CR1]                // Store result in GPIOD MODER register

  pop {r5, r6, pc}

  push {r1, r2, lr}
      ldr r1, =USART2_BASE
      ldr r2, [r1, #USART2_SR]
      tst r2, #(1 << 5)
      beq RECV_LP
      ldr r0, [r1, #USART2_DR]
  pop {r1, r2, pc}

  push {r1, r2, lr}
      ldr r1, =USART2_BASE
      ldr r2, [r1, #USART2_SR]
      tst r2, #(1 << 7)
      beq SEND_LP
      str r0, [r1, #USART2_DR]
  pop {r1, r2, pc}

  push {r0, r1, lr}
ldr r1, =SCS

str r0, [r1, #SCS_SYST_RVR]

ldr r0, =0
str r0, [r1, #SCS_SYST_CVR]

ldr r0, =5
str r0, [r1, #SCS_SYST_CSR]

  pop {r0, r1, pc}

  push {r5, r6, lr}
// Enable GPIOD Peripheral Clock (bit 3 in AHB1ENR register)
ldr r6, = RCC_BASE          // Load peripheral clock reg base address to r6
ldr r5, [r6,#RCC_AHB1ENR]  // Read its content to r5
orr r5, 0x00000008          // Set bit 3 to enable GPIOD clock
str r5, [r6,#RCC_AHB1ENR]  // Store result in peripheral clock register

// Make GPIOD Pin12 as output pin (bits 25:24 in MODER register)
ldr r6, =GPIOD_BASE      // Load GPIOD BASE address to r6
ldr r5, [r6,#GPIOD_MODER]  // Read GPIOD_MODER content to r5
and r5, 0x00FFFFFF          // Clear bits 31-24 for P12-15
orr r5, 0x55000000          // Write 01 to bits 31-24 for P12-15
str r5, [r6]                // Store result in GPIOD MODER register
  pop {r5, r6, pc}

    push {r5, r6, lr}
// Set GPIOD Pins to 1 (through BSSR register)
ldr    r6, =GPIOD_BASE      // Load GPIOD BASE address to r6
mov    r5, #LEDs_ON
str    r5, [r6,#GPIOD_BSSR] // Write to BSRR register
  pop {r5, r6, pc}

    push {r5, r6, lr}
// Set GPIOD Pins to 0 (through BSSR register)
ldr    r6, =GPIOD_BASE      // Load GPIOD BASE address to r6
mov    r5, #LEDs_OFF
str    r5, [r6,#GPIOD_BSSR] // Write to BSRR register
  pop {r5, r6, pc}

    push {r1, r2, lr}
    ldr r1, =SCS

LOOPTC: ldr r2, [r1, #SCS_SYST_CSR]
tst r2, #0x10000

      subs r0, r0, 1
      bne LOOPTC
    pop {r1, r2, pc}

    push {r1, lr}

LOOP:    subs r1, r1, 1
        bne LOOP
      subs r0, r0, 1
      bne MSEC
    pop {r1, pc}
마지막 수정됨: 월요일, 27 3월 2023, 6:29 PM