Box plot, Distributions, Scatter plot (Tuesday)

  1. Considering this data, who is more likely to have clogged heart vessels (diameter narrowing), men or women? Read the probability for both.

  2. Use the Distribution widget to explore how the probability of having a normal ECG result depends upon age. Does it increase, decrease?

  3. Explore the correlation (if there is any - maybe there's none) between the cholesterol level and having narrowed vessels.

  4. How does the average heart rate depend upon age? Can you show the average heart rates in different age groups, for instance 20-30, 30-40, 40-50, ... (Hint: combine two widgets, one that will create the age groups and the other that will show averages for each group.) Is the difference significant?

Mosaic, Sieve (Thurdsay)

  1. Use the Sieve diagram to observe whether the number of people in each age group is independent of gender. (Being dependent would mean that some gender is over- or underrepresented in some age group.) To this end, use the Distribution widget to define age groups with a width of, say, 10 years.

  2. How useful is the Mosaic to explore this same question. (It may be useful, useless or somewhat useful. :)

  3. How does the probability of having the condition that we investigate (diameter narrowing) for women and men (separately!) change with age? How do you answer this using the Mosaic Visualization? Why is Sieve not useful for that? (If you don't know, try it!)

  4. ST segment is one of the most important parts of the ECG curve. Normal shape is flat, but it can go upwards or downwards under some conditions. What is the relation between its shape (slope peak exc ST) and the heart rate? Try using the Sieve diagram and interpret what it tells you (not in medical terms, just in terms of what relation does it indicate; we may talk about the medical background later)

  5. Is there a strong relation between the gender and the type of chest pain?

(Note to self (and anybody interested):

Последна промена: четврток, 3 март 2022, 17:47