이용할 수 있는 강좌

Izbrana poglavja iz umetne inteligence II: Napredna poglavja iz omrežne znanosti (ANTS)   Omrežja ali grafi so prisotna na vsakem koraku. Primeri vključujejo družabna omrežja, svetovni splet, nevronsko mrežo, sklicevanja med WikiLeaks depešami, Supervizor, pripadnost terorist…
Network Measurements and Traffic Monitoring The importance of mobile Internet access in our society is steadily growing, as more physical objects get connected (Internet of Things) and an increasing share of our daily activities rely on smartphones and apps. Ubiquitous and reliable connectivit…
Pri predmetu bomo spoznali sodobne pristope k snovanju algoritmov. Ti pristopi vključujejo razne tehnike analiziranja, metode snovanja in računske modele. Spoznali bomo: proces inženiringa algoritmov (proces, ki se trudi premoščati razlike med teorijo in prakso), algoritme za večnivojsk…
Content The objective of this course is to present current state of the art research challenges in integration of information system. The course will provide detailed insight into integration methods, approaches, technologies, patterns, and best practices. It will prepare students for research work …
Mathematics for Machine Learning In this course, we’ll study the theory of matrices behind the basic concepts of maching learning. We’ll present the matrix algebra and derivations of and over matrices. These definitions are crucial to understand the optimization methods in machine learn…
None Modern Cryptography and Computer Security This course is an introduction to modern cryptography, which provides maximum security while at the same time preserves the flexibility of digital media. It forms the foundation of Information Society (objectives: privacy, data integrity, digital authen…
The course covers theoretical, system, and application aspects pertaining to the use of mobile, wearable, and the Internet of Things devices (herefrom referred to as “ubiquitous”) for sensing and learning about the environment. The course starts with the overview of ubiquitous sensing platforms,…
  • nosilec: Bosnić Zoran
  • nosilec: Bratko Ivan
Naslov predmeta: Poglobljeni algoritmi preiskovaja in planiranja     Metode preiskovanja in planiranja so bistvene komponente številnih sistemov umetne inteligence na področjih, kot so: programiranje robotov, reševanje kombinatoričnih problemov, strojno učenje, interpretacija senzors…
Big Data In this course you will develop your knowledge of big data analytics and enhance your programmingand mathematical skills. Starting with fundamental data analysis and data visualization suing PowerBI and later you will learn to use essential analytic tools such as Hadoop, R, you will also l…
Tema predmeta so sodobni algoritmi za učenje iz podatkovnih tokov. Učili se bomo o odprtih izzivih na področju (inkrementalni modeli za nadzorovano učenje, stiskanje podatkov, odkrivanje spremembe v porazdelitvi toka (concept drift), gručenje iz podatkov, specializirane statistike za vrednoten…
Machine Learning for Language and Graphs The course presents a collection of advanced machine learning topics used in representation learning and explainable artificial intelligence with focus on natural language processing, natural language understanding, knowledge graphs, and multi-relational lea…
  • nosilec: Bosnić Zoran
  • nosilec: Skočaj Danijel
Globoko učenje v računalniškem vidu Raziskovalno področje računalniški vid naslavlja probleme povezane z zajemanjem, procesiranjem, analizo in razumevanjem vizualne informacije kot so slike, video in oblaki 3D točk. Eden temeljnih problemov računalniškega vida je vizualno…
Študentje se bodo pri predmetu seznanili z različnimi nalogami napovedovanja strukturiranih izhodnih spremenljivk in z različnimi pristopi za njihovo reševanje. Spoznali bodo nekaj najsodobnejših orodij za reševanje te vrste nalog in jih uporabili na praktičnih proble…