Week Name Description
File Course description and students obligations 2023/24

About lecturers, contents, grading, and literature.

Folder Lecture slides 2024/25 (updated continuously)
Warning: The slides from the lectures are outlines of the topics covered. Do not consider them as a replacement for the literature.
Folder Literature and readings
The main literature for machine learning:
  • James, G., Witten, D., Hastie, T., Tibshirani, R. and Taylor, J., 2023. An Introduction to Statistical Learning: With Applications in Python. New York: Springer. Freely available at https://www.statlearning.com/  (the same book exists for R)

Further readings:

Folder Samples of written exams

Sample Exams

File A sample of oral exam questions
URL Course repository

Link to the code repository

File Seminar I - Instructions
File Seminar I - datasets
File Seminar 2 - Instructions
File Seminar 2 - Dataset
URL Data analyist is a top job

Other surveys confirm the findings..

URL Data science cheatsheet
File Numpy cheat sheet
File Pandas cheat sheet