Section outline

    • Forums

    • Lectures

    • Syllabus
      Topic  Description
      Introduction Course contents, review of what you already know about computational complexity
      Computational Complexity Analysis of recursive algorithms, substitution method, recursive tree method,
      Recipes for divide and conquer algorithms: the master theorem, the Akra-Bazzi theorem
      3 Linear recurrences
      Solving linear recurrences with annihilators
      Probabilistic analysis Indicator random variables, probabilistic analysis of algorithms
      Randomized algorithms Randomized algorithms, pseudo-random numbers,
      Amortized analysis
      Amortized analysis of computational complexity,
      Analysis of multithreaded algorithms Read Chapter 27 in the textbook
      Approximation algorithms
      Read Chapter 35 in the textbook, revise P and NP algorithms by reading Chapter 34
      Linear programming for problem solving Read Chapters 29 and 35.4 in the textbook
      The code of LP example in R Datoteka
      10 Optimization and local search Read Chapter 12 in J. Kleinberg, E. Tardos: Algorithm Design. Pearson, 2006
      11 Metaheuristics

      Simulated annealing, Nash equilibrium and social choice, tabu search, variable neighborhood search, guided local search
      Read the corresponding chapters in M. Gendreau, J.-Y. Potvin: Handbook of Metaheuristics, Springer, 2010
      TABU search,
      VNS, GLS

      12 Population methods
       Memetic algorithms, swarm intelligence
      13 Differential evolution  Optimization with differential evolution
      Description of DE in textbook Computational Intelligence - An Introduction
      Das et al. (2016): Recent advances in differential evolution – An updated survey, Datoteka Datoteka
      14 Biologically inspired metaheuristics  many optimization  methods taking inspiration in the nature and society
      A survey paper on biologically inspired metaheuristics Datoteka
      15 Machine learning for combinatorial optimization
         For some problems, heuristics can be obtained by collecting execution data and applying machine learning algorithms to guide the search.

    • Quizzes
      The quizzes promote continuous learning and demote procrastination. Together, one has to gain at least 50% of all quiz points (not each individual quiz) to attend the written exam. Only quizzes submitted on-time are taken into account. Wrong answers get you negative points. Do not forget to submit a quiz.

    • Tutorials and Lab works

      There are 5 assignments and students need to get 50% of points in each assignment to pass the course. Assignments bring different  number of points (to be announced). Assignments 1 - 4 require a written report in PDF format submitted via eClassroom. The assigment 5 requires a report and a public presentation taking place in the last week of the semester.

    • Learning materials

    • Exams

    • Exam dates:

      • 10th June 2024 - 12:00 - P22
      • 20th June 2024 -12:00 - P22
      • 5th September 2024 - 10:00 - P22
    • Tutorials:

      There are 5 assignments and students need to get 50% of points in each assignment to pass the course. Assigments bring different  number of points (see the table below). Assignments 1 - 4 require a written report in .pdf format submitted via eClassroom. The assigment 5 requires a report and a public presentation taking place in the last week of the semester.

      Assigment       Points
      Assigment 1
      15 4. Mar - 10. Mar.
      24. Mar.
      Assigment 2
      15 25. Mar. - 31. Mar
      14. Apr.
      Assigment 3
      15 1. Apr - 7. Apr
      21. Apr
      Assigment 4
      15 29. Apr - 5. May
      19. May
      Assigment 5
      40 29. Apr - 5. May
      26. May

      To pass the course you also need to obtain a total of 50% of points in 5 online quizzes.