Section outline
Spoštovani! Dear Student:
Predavanja bodo potekala v živo: vsak torek med 13-16. uro v učilnici P02. Lectures will take place in P02 on Tuesdays between 13-16.
For details see here: https://urnik.fri.uni-lj.si/timetable/fri-2023_2024-letni-1-17/allocations?teacher=580
Vaje (trenutno) so predvidene vsak ponedeljek med 7-9. uro v učilnici PR09 - Lab work (at this moment) is scheduled in PR09 on Mondays between 7-9. We shall see how to make a workaround the timeslot.
Povezava na MS Teams / MS Teams link: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3atLnyhjqpRv1BSbLcXGwIB588pwxXOdZc6QjAiDC4KfQ1%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=4049df32-54e6-4afc-b3a5-42fc6f5e9a32&tenantId=a6cc90df-f580-49dc-903f-87af5a75338e
Feel free to join!
Welcome to our Fog Computing for Smart Applications course!
Lep pozdrav, / Best regards,
Vlado Stankovski
Izpitni režim: / Exam:
I. Tri obveznih pozitivno doseženih mejnikov. / Three obligatory successfully passed milestones.
II. Projektna naloga: (a) razvoj sistema/aplikacije; (b) pisni izdelek in prezentacija v zadnjem tednu semestra. / Project work: (a) system/application development; (b) written handout and presentation in the last week of the semestre.
III. Ustni izpit. / Oral exam.
Ocena izpita = (II. ocena + III. ocena) /2, zaokrožena navzgor.
Grade = (II. grade + III. grade) /2, rounded up.
Dear Students,
Welcome to our Fog Computing for Smart Applications course! I have published some initial guidelines and references. Please have a look at them to get acquainted with the course.
With kind regards, and see you soon,
Vlado Stankovski
Cilji in pridobljena znanja
Cilj predmeta je preštudirati celotni proces razvoja pametnih aplikacij. Gre za aplikacije, ki imajo še posebej izražene uporabniške, aplikacijske in sistemske zahteve. Običajno temeljijo na internetu stvari, umetni inteligenci, računalništvu v oblaku ter na tehnologijah veriženja blokov.
Računalništvo v megli predstavlja nekakšno skupno ime za vse te tehnologije. Predlagani predmet se bo osredotočil na teorijo in prakso pri razvoju kompleksnih, komponentnih, večstopenjsko (od roba omrežja do oblaka) zasnovanih aplikacij. Študent bo pridobil znanja s področja programskega inženirstva na preseku omenjenih štirih tehnoloških zvrsti. Cilj predmeta je okrepiti razumevanje primerov uporabe, funkcionalnih in nefunkcionalnih zahtev, pristopov k načrtovanju, aktualnih pristopov za reševanje specifičnih zahtev po zanesljivem delovanju, kakovosti storitve, zaupanju ter tudi poglavitnih tehnologij, ki se uporabljajo z namenom naslavljanja celotnega nabora zahtev, vključno s procesom integracije aplikacij, orkestracije in nadzorom nad njihovim izvajanjem.
Objectives and competencies
The course goal is to study the overall software engineering process for the development of smart Artificial Intelligence-based fog computing applications. Fog applications usually employ Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), cloud computing and blockchain technologies. This course will focus on the theory and practice when developing complex, component-based, compute, memory and network-intensive multi-tier cloud applications.
The student will gain software engineering competencies at the cross-section of the above mentioned four technology types. Passing this course will result in an improved understanding of the use cases, the functional and non-functional requirements, the current approaches to addressing various dependability, Quality of Service, and trust-related concerns, the major technologies that are commonly used in order to address the whole spectrum of requirements,including orchestration, and the overall integration process.