Enrolment options

Computers, internet and world wide web are our everyday companions. They have became part of us, we can almost no longer live without them. We can ask ourselves, how would a week or even only one day without those modern gadgets and services look like. When we open a browser on our computer, a new world opens in front of us. It seems, that everything is in a hand's reach, we can talk to our friends, we can listen to music, we can shop, we can also publish our own opinion and much much more. Are you interested, how all this is possible, which tools are needed, how all of the above is implemented? You will hear answers to these questions in scope of this course. And more, you will learn: - How to create a static web page - How to make web page dynamic - How to dynamically create web page - How an online shop is designed - How to transfer data on the web - What is semantic web - What are web services - How to take care of data security - How to utilize advantages and recognize deficiencies of the web

Course obligations consist of weekly homeworks, three slightly more extensive monthly assignments, two non-mandatory midterm exams and a final exam.

Self enrolment (študent)
Self enrolment (študent)