INA: (Introduction to) Network Analysis
Section outline
Introduction to Network Analysis (INA)
From classical graph theory to social network analysis and modern network science. Networks in different fields of science.
Lecture slides:
- (1) Networks introduction and motivation
- (1) From graph theory to network science
- (7) Networks through fields of science
Lab notebooks:
Book chapters:
- → Ch. 1: Introduction in Barabási, A.-L., Network Science (Cambridge University Press, 2016).
- Ch. 1-5: Introduction etc. in Newman, M.E.J., Networks: An Introduction (Oxford University Press, 2010).
- Ch. 1: Overview in Easley, D. & Kleinberg, J., Networks, Crowds, and Markets (Cambridge University Press, 2010).
Course readings:
- Barabási, A.-L., The network takeover, Nat. Phys. 8(1), 14-16 (2012).
- → Newman, M.E.J., The physics of networks, Phys. Today 61(11), 33-38 (2008).
- Barabási, A.-L. & Bonabeau, E., Scale-free networks, Sci. Am. 288(5), 50-59 (2003).
- → Newman, M.E.J., Communities, modules and large-scale structure in networks, Nat. Phys. 8(1), 25-31 (2012).
- Vespignani, A., Modelling dynamical processes in complex socio-technical systems, Nat. Phys. 8(1), 32-39 (2012).
- Motter, A.E. & Yang, Y., The unfolding and control of network cascades, Phys. Today 70(1), 33-39 (2017).
- Hegeman, T. & Iosup, A., Survey of graph analysis applications, e-print arXiv:180700382v1, pp. 23 (2018).
- Cimini, G., Squartini, T. et al., The statistical physics of real-world networks, Nat. Rev. Phys. 1(1), 58-71 (2019).
- → Cramer, C., Porter, M.A. et al., Network Literacy: Essential Concepts and Core Ideas (Creative Commons Licence, 2015).
- Hidalgo, C.A., Disconnected, fragmented, or united? A trans-disciplinary review of network science, Appl. Netw. Sci. 1, 6 (2016).
- Molontay, R. & Nagy, M., Two decades of network science, In: Proceedings of ASONAM '19 (Vancouver, Canada, 2019), pp. 578–583.
- Ch. 1: Uvod in Šubelj, L., Odkrivanje skupin vozlišč v velikih realnih omrežjih, PhD thesis (University of Ljubljana, 2013).
Graphology and networkology. Network representations, formats, and data. Random graph models and real networks models.
Lecture slides:
- (1, 3) Graphology and networkology
- (3) Network representations and data
- (3-4) Erdős-Rényi graph model
- (4) Configuration graph model
Lab notebooks:
Book chapters:
- → Ch. 2: Graph theory & Ch. 4.8: Generating networks in Barabási, A.-L., Network Science (Cambridge University Press, 2016).
- Ch. 6: Mathematics of networks & Ch. 12-13: Random graphs etc. in Newman, M.E.J., Networks: An Introduction (Oxford University Press, 2010).
- Ch. 2: Graphs in Easley, D. & Kleinberg, J., Networks, Crowds, and Markets (Cambridge University Press, 2010).
Course readings:
- Erdős, P. & Rényi, A., On random graphs I, Publ. Math. Debrecen 6, 290-297 (1959).
- Watts, D.J. & Strogatz, S.H., Collective dynamics of 'small-world' networks, Nature 393(6684), 440-442 (1998).
- Barabási, A.-L. & Albert, R., Emergence of scaling in random networks, Science 286(5439), 509-512 (1999).
- Broder, A., Kumar, R. et al., Graph structure in the Web, Comput. Netw. 33(1-6), 309-320 (2000).
- Newman, M.E.J., Strogatz, S.H. & Watts, D.J., Random graphs with arbitrary degree distributions and their applications, Phys. Rev. E 64(2), 026118 (2001).
- Milo, R., Kashtan, N. et al., On the uniform generation of random graphs with prescribed degree sequences, e-print arXiv:0312028v2, pp. 4 (2004).
- Carstens, C.J. & Horadam, K.J., Switching edges to randomize networks: What goes wrong and how to fix it, J. Complex Netw. 5(3), 337-351 (2017).
- Fosdick, B., Larremore, D. et al., Configuring random graph models with fixed degree sequences, SIAM Rev. 60(2), 315-355 (2018).
- → Newman, M.E.J., Watts, D.J. & Strogatz, S.H., Random graph models of social networks, P. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 99, 2566-2572 (2002).
- → Newman, M.E.J. & Park, J., Why social networks are different from other types of networks, Phys. Rev. E 68(3), 036122 (2003).
- → Backstrom, L., Boldi, P. et al., Four degrees of separation, In: Proceedings of WebSci '12 (Evanston, IL, USA, 2012), pp. 45-54.
- McAuley, J.J. & Leskovec, J., Learning to discover social circles in ego networks, In: Proceedings of NIPS '12 (Lake Tahoe, NV, USA, 2012), pp. 548-556.
- Dorogovtsev, S.N. & Mendes, J.F.F., Evolution of networks, Adv. Phys. 51(4), 1079-1187 (2002).
Degrees of separation, small-world networks and model. Power-law degree distributions, scale-free networks and models.
Lecture handouts:
- (4) Small-world networks and model
- (5) Scale-free distributions and networks
- (5) Preferential attachment models
Lab notebooks:
Book chapters:
- → Ch. 3.8-9: Small worlds etc. & Ch. 4-5: Scale-free property etc. in Barabási, A.-L., Network Science (Cambridge University Press, 2016).
- Ch. 8.4: Power laws etc. & Ch. 14-15: Models of network formation etc. in Newman, M.E.J., Networks: An Introduction (Oxford University Press, 2010).
- Ch. 18: Power laws etc. and Ch. 20: Small-world phenomenon in Easley, D. & Kleinberg, J., Networks, Crowds, and Markets (Cambridge University Press, 2010).
Course readings:
- Milgram, S., The small world problem , Psychol. Today 1(1), 60-67 (1967).
- Granovetter, M.S., The strength of weak ties, Am. J. Sociol. 78(6), 1360-1380 (1973).
- → Watts, D.J. & Strogatz, S.H., Collective dynamics of 'small-world' networks, Nature 393(6684), 440-442 (1998).
- Dodds, P.S., Muhamad, R. & Watts, D.J., An experimental study of search in global social networks, Science 301(5634), 827-829 (2003).
- Liben-Nowell, D., Novak, J. et al., Geographic routing in social networks, P. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 102(33), 11623-11628 (2005).
- Backstrom, L., Boldi, P. et al., Four degrees of separation, In: Proceedings of WebSci '12 (Evanston, IL, USA, 2012), pp. 45-54.
- Ugander, J., Karrer, B. et al., The anatomy of the Facebook social graph, e-print arXiv:1111.4503v1, pp. 17 (2011).
- → Zamora-López, G. & Brasselet, R., Sizing the length of complex networks, e-print arXiv:1810.12825v1, pp. 25 (2018).
- → Kleinberg, J.M., Navigation in a small world, Nature 406(6798), 845 (2000).
- de Solla Price, D.J., Networks of scientific papers, Science 149, 510-515 (1965).
- → Barabási, A.-L. & Albert, R., Emergence of scaling in random networks, Science 286(5439), 509-512 (1999).
- Faloutsos, M., Faloutsos, P. & Faloutsos, C., On power-law relationships of the Internet topology, Comput. Commun. Rev. 29(4), 251-262 (1999).
- Clauset, A., Shalizi, C.R. & Newman, M.E.J., Power-law distributions in empirical data, SIAM Rev. 51, 661-703 (2009).
- → Albert, R., Jeong, H. & Barabási, A.-L., Error and attack tolerance of complex networks, Nature 406(6794), 378-382 (2000).
- Albert, R., Jeong, H. & Barabási, A.-L., Diameter of the World Wide Web, Nature 401, 130-131 (1999).
- Dorogovtsev, S.N. & Mendes, J.F.F., Evolution of networks, Adv. Phys. 51(4), 1079-1187 (2002).
- De Domenico, M. & Arenas, A., Modeling structure and resilience of the dark network, Phys. Rev. E 95(2), 022313 (2017).
- Golosovsky, M., Preferential attachment mechanism of complex network growth, e-print arXiv:1802.09786v1, pp. 12 (2018).
- Voitalov, I., van der Hoorn, P. et al., Scale-free networks well done, e-print arXiv:1811.02071v1, pp. 31 (2018).
- Broido, A.D. & Clauset, A., Scale-free networks are rare, Nat. Commun. 10(1), 1017 (2019).
- Barabási, A.-L., Love is all you need, reply to e-print arXiv:1801.03400v1, pp. 6 (2018).
- → Holme, P., Rare and everywhere, Nat. Commun. 10(1), 1016 (2019).
- → Mannion, S. & MacCarron, P., Fitting degree distributions of complex networks, e-print arXiv:2212.06649v1, pp. 21 (2022).
Community and core-periphery structure. Graph partitioning, community detection, blockmodeling, stochastic (block) models etc.
Lecture handouts:
- (7) Network community structure
- (7-8) Partitioning and community detection
- (8) Blockmodeling and stochastic models
- (9) Network core-periphery structure
Lab notebooks:
- (viii) Community detection & benchmarks
- (ix) Blockmodeling & k-core decomposition
Book chapters:
- → Ch. 9: Communities in Barabási, A.-L., Network Science (Cambridge University Press, 2016).
- Ch. 7.12-13: Homophily etc. & Ch. 11: Graph partitioning in Newman, M.E.J., Networks: An Introduction (Oxford University Press, 2010).
- Ch. 21: Communities in networks in Estrada, E. & Knight, P.A., A First Course in Network Theory (Oxford University Press, 2015).
- Ch. 3: Strong and weak ties in Easley, D. & Kleinberg, J., Networks, Crowds, and Markets (Cambridge University Press, 2010).
Course readings:
- Granovetter, M.S., The strength of weak ties, Am. J. Sociol. 78(6), 1360-1380 (1973).
- Girvan, M. & Newman, M.E.J., Community structure in social and biological networks, P. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 99(12), 7821-7826 (2002).
- Newman, M.E.J. & Girvan, M., Mixing patterns and community structure in networks, Phys. Rev. E 67(2), 026126 (2003).
- Palla, G., Derényi, I. et al., Uncovering the overlapping community structure of complex networks in nature and society, Nature 435(7043), 814-818 (2005).
- Onnela, J.-P., Saramäki, J. et al., Structure and tie strengths in mobile communication networks , P. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 104(18), 7332-7336 (2007).
- Lancichinetti, A., Kivela, M. et al., Characterizing the community structure of complex networks, PLoS ONE 5(8), e11976 (2010).
- Ahn, Y.-Y., Bagrow, J.P. & Lehmann, S., Link communities reveal multiscale complexity in networks, Nature 466(7307), 761-764 (2010).
- → Hric, D., Darst, R.K. & Fortunato, S., Community detection in networks: Structural communities versus ground truth, Phys. Rev. E 90(6), 062805 (2014).
- → Schaub, M.T., Delvenne, J.-C. et al., The many facets of community detection in complex networks, Appl. Netw. Sci. 2, 4 (2017).
- → Newman, M.E.J., Communities, modules and large-scale structure in networks, Nat. Phys. 8 (1), 25-31 (2012).
- Fortunato, S., Community detection in graphs, Phys. Rep. 486(3-5), 75-174 (2010).
- → Fortunato, S. & Hric, D., Community detection in networks: A user guide, Phys. Rep. 659, 1-44 (2016).
- Xie, J., Kelley, S. & Szymanski, B.K., Overlapping community detection in networks, ACM Comput. Surv. 45(4), 43 (2013).
- Lancichinetti, A. & Fortunato, S., Community detection algorithms: A comparative analysis, Phys. Rev. E 80(5), 056117 (2009).
- Raghavan, U.N., Albert, R. & Kumara, S., Near linear time algorithm to detect community structures in large-scale networks, Phys. Rev. E 76(3), 036106 (2007).
- Rosvall, M. & Bergstrom, C.T., Maps of random walks on complex networks reveal community structure, P. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 105(4), 1118-1123 (2008).
- Blondel, V.D., Guillaume, J.-L. et al., Fast unfolding of communities in large networks, J. Stat. Mech., P10008 (2008).
- Kumpula, J.M., Kivelä, M. et al., Sequential algorithm for fast clique percolation, Phys. Rev. E 78(2), 026109 (2008).
- Šubelj, L. & Bajec, M., Ubiquitousness of link-density and link-pattern communities in real-world networks, Eur. Phys. J. B 85(1), 32 (2012).
- Zhao, Y., Levina, E. & Zhu, J., Community extraction for social networks, P. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 108(18), 7321-7326 (2011).
- Reichardt, J. & White, D.R., Role models for complex networks, Eur. Phys. J. B 60(2), 217-224 (2007).
- → Newman, M.E.J. & Leicht, E.A., Mixture models and exploratory analysis in networks, P. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 104(23), 9564 (2007).
- → Karrer, B. & Newman, M.E.J., Stochastic blockmodels and community structure in networks, Phys. Rev. E 83(1), 016107 (2011).
- Peixoto, T., Model selection and hypothesis testing for large-scale network models with overlapping groups, Phys. Rev. X 5(1), 011033 (2015).
- → Guimera, R., Sales-Pardo, M. & Amaral, L.A.N., Classes of complex networks defined by role-to-role connectivity profiles, Nat. Phys. 3(1), 63-69 (2007).
- Clauset, A., Moore, C. & Newman, M.E.J., Hierarchical structure and the prediction of missing links in networks, Nature 453(7191), 98-101 (2008).
- Guimera, R. & Sales-Pardo, M., Missing and spurious interactions and the reconstruction of complex networks, P. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 106(52), 22073-22078 (2009).
- Šubelj, L. & Bajec, M., Group detection in complex networks: An algorithm and comparison of the state of the art, Physica A 397, 144-156 (2014).
- Seidman, S.B., Network structure and minimum degree, Soc. Networks 5(3), 269–287 (1983).
- Borgatti, S.P. & Everett, M.G., Models of core/periphery structures, Soc. Networks 21(4), 375–395 (2000).
- Holme, P., Core-periphery organization of complex networks, Phys. Rev. E 72(4), 46111 (2005).
- → Leskovec, J., Lang, K.J. et al., Community structure in large networks, Internet Math. 6(1), 29–123 (2009).
- Batagelj, V. & Zaveršnik, M., An O(m) algorithm for cores decomposition of networks, Adv. Data Anal. Classif. 5(2), 129–145 (2011).
- → Csermely, P., London, A. et al., Structure and dynamics of core/periphery networks, J. Complex Netw. 1(2), 93-123 (2013).
- Rombach, M., Porter, M. et al., Core-periphery structure in networks, SIAM J. Appl. Math. 74(1), 167–190 (2014).
- Zhang, X., Martin, T. & Newman, M.E.J., Identification of core-periphery structure in networks, Phys. Rev. E 91(3), 32803 (2015).
- → Jeub, L.G.S., Balachandran, P. et al., Think locally, act locally, Phys. Rev. E 91(1), 12821 (2015).
- Ma, A. & Mondragón, R.J., Rich-cores in networks, PLoS ONE 10(3), e0119678 (2015).
Node clustering coefficients, degrees, eigenvector, closeness, and betweenness centrality. Link analysis algorithms.
Lecture handouts:
Lab notebooks:
Book chapters:
- → Ch. 7: Measures and metrics in Newman, M.E.J., Networks: An Introduction (Oxford University Press, 2010).
- Ch. 14: Link analysis and Web search in Easley, D. & Kleinberg, J., Networks, Crowds, and Markets (Cambridge University Press, 2010).
- Ch. 14: Classical node centrality & Ch. 15: Spectral etc. in Estrada, E. & Knight, P.A., A First Course in Network Theory (Oxford University Press, 2015).
Course readings:
- Katz, L., A new status index derived from sociometric analysis, Psychometrika 18(1), 39-43 (1953).
- Freeman, L., A set of measures of centrality based on betweenness, Sociometry 40(1), 35-41 (1977).
- Bonacich, P., Power and centrality: A family of measures, Am. J. Sociology 92(5), 1170-1182 (1987).
- Brandes, U., A faster algorithm for betweenness centrality, J. Math. Sociol. 25(2), 163-177 (2001).
- Jeong, H., Mason, S.P. et al., Lethality and centrality in protein networks, Nature 411, 41-42 (2001).
- → Soffer, S.N. & Vázquez, A., Network clustering coefficient without degree-correlation biases, Phys. Rev. E 71(5), 057101 (2005).
- → Newman, M.E.J., A measure of betweenness centrality based on random walks, Soc. Networks 27(1), 39-54 (2005).
- → Jensen, P., Morini, M. et al., Detecting global bridges in networks, J. Complex Netw. 4(3), 319-329 (2015).
- Everett, M.G. & Valente, T.W., Bridging, brokerage and betweenness, Soc. Networks 44, 202-208 (2016).
- Franceschet, M. & Bozzo, E., A theory on power in networks, e-print arXiv:1510.08332v2, pp. 19 (2016).
- Agneessens, F., Borgatti, S.P. & Everett, M.G., Geodesic based centrality, Soc. Networks 49, 12-26 (2017).
- Kleinberg, J., Authoritative sources in a hyperlinked environment, J. ACM 46(5), 604-632 (1999).
- Brin, S. & Page, L., The anatomy of a large-scale hypertextual Web search engine, Comput. Networks ISDN 30(1-7), 107-117 (1998).
- Jeh, G. & Widom, J., SimRank: A measure of structural-context similarity, In: Proceedings of KDD ’02 (Edmonton, Canada, 2002), pp. 538–543.
- Tong, H., Faloutsos, C. & Pan, J.-Y., Fast random walk with restart and its applications, In: Proceedings of ICDM ’06 (Washington, DC, USA, 2006), pp. 613-622.
- → Berkhin, P., A survey on PageRank computing, Internet Math. 2(1), 73-120 (2005).
- Fabrikant, A., Mahdian, M. & Tomkins, A., SCRank, e-print arXiv:1802.08204v1, pp. 10 (2018).
Link betweenness and bridgeness centrality. Link embeddedness and topological overlap.
Lecture handouts:
Lab handouts:
Book chapters:
- Ch. 7: Measures and metrics in Newman, M.E.J., Networks: An Introduction (Oxford University Press, 2010).
- → Ch. 9.3: Hierarchical clustering in Barabási, A.-L., Network Science (Cambridge University Press, 2016).
Course readings:
- → Brandes, U., A faster algorithm for betweenness centrality, J. Math. Sociol. 25(2), 163-177 (2001).
- Girvan, M. & Newman, M.E.J., Community structure in social and biological networks, P. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 99(12), 7821-7826 (2002).
- Ravasz, E., Somera, A.L. et al., Hierarchical organization of modularity in metabolic networks, Science 297(5586), 1551-1555 (2002).
- Onnela, J.-P., Saramäki, J. et al., Structure and tie strengths in mobile communication networks, P. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 104(18), 7332-7336 (2007).
- Newman, M.E.J., A measure of betweenness centrality based on random walks, Soc. Networks 27(1), 39-54 (2005).
- → Jensen, P., Morini, M. et al., Detecting global bridges in networks, J. Complex Netw. 4(3), 319-329 (2015).
- → Everett, M.G. & Valente, T.W., Bridging, brokerage and betweenness, Soc. Networks 44, 202-208 (2016).
- Wu, A.-K., Tian, L. & Liu, Y.-Y., Bridges in complex networks, Phys. Rev. E 97(1), 012307 (2018).