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Datoteka Course description 2023/24
Mapa Lecture slides for 2023/24 (continuously updated)

Slides are no substitution for lectures and textbooks. They mostly contain just keywords. Use them as a reminder of what to study.

URL Sedgewick & Flajolet: An Introduction to the Analysis of Algorithms

Besedilo učbenika. Prva tri poglavja so dodatno, neobvezno gradivo za ta predmet.

URL Optimization packages in R

Povezave na različne metode optimizacije v Rju

Mapa Use of optimization package

Primer uporabe paketa rgba

Mapa Interesting articles

Zanimive vsebine povezane s predmetom,

Mapa Old exams

Nekaj primerkov starih izpitov in kolokvijev.

Datoteka A sample of oral exam questions for 2020/21 exams.
Datoteka Analysis of algorithms - script
4. marec - 10. marec Datoteka Asymptotic Notation
Datoteka Assignment 1
11. marec - 17. marec Datoteka Recurrence solving: Tree method and substitution

Exercises for tree method and substitution.

18. marec - 24. marec Datoteka Recurrence solving 2: Masters, Akra-Bazzi, Annihilators
Datoteka Usefull equations for Masters and Akra-Bazzi
URL Time complexity - external link
A link to external resource with time complexity analysis. It has a good chapter on using annihilators.

25. marec - 31. marec Datoteka Probabilistic analaysis
8. april - 14. april Datoteka Amortized analysis
Datoteka Assignment 2
Datoteka Assignment 3
15. april - 21. april Datoteka Approximation algorithms
Datoteka Quadratic programming
Datoteka Simulated annealing
22. april - 28. april Datoteka Linear programming