Week Name Description
File Course description 2023/24
Folder Lecture slides for 2023/24

Slides are no substitution for lectures and textbooks. They mostly contain just keywords. Use them as a reminder of what to study.

URL Sedgewick & Flajolet: An Introduction to the Analysis of Algorithms

Besedilo učbenika. Prva tri poglavja so dodatno, neobvezno gradivo za ta predmet.

URL Optimization packages in R

Povezave na različne metode optimizacije v Rju

Folder Use of optimization package

Primer uporabe paketa rgba

Folder Interesting articles

Zanimive vsebine povezane s predmetom,

Folder Old exams

Nekaj primerkov starih izpitov in kolokvijev.

File A sample of oral exam questions for 2020/21 exams.
File Analysis of algorithms - script
4 March - 10 March File Asymptotic Notation
File Assignment 1
11 March - 17 March File Recurrence solving: Tree method and substitution

Exercises for tree method and substitution.

18 March - 24 March File Recurrence solving 2: Masters, Akra-Bazzi, Annihilators
File Usefull equations for Masters and Akra-Bazzi
URL Time complexity - external link
A link to external resource with time complexity analysis. It has a good chapter on using annihilators.

25 March - 31 March File Probabilistic analaysis
8 April - 14 April File Amortized analysis
File Assignment 2
File Assignment 3
15 April - 21 April File Approximation algorithms
File Simulated annealing
22 April - 28 April File Linear programming
29 April - 5 May File Quad optimization
File Simulirano ohlajanje
File Assignment 4
File Example code
File Assignment 5

Please choose the partner you will work with by 19.5.2024 and write the names of both participant in Google Spreadsheet.

URL Spreadsheet with team names and results
File An example of solutions for random search
File Example code
6 May - 12 May File Local search
File Variable neighborhood search
File Guided local search
13 May - 19 May File Genetic algorithm
20 May - 26 May File Differential Evolution (Basic implementation)
File Exam 25.1.2018
File Exam 9.2.2018