Možnosti vpisa

Frižider makerspace se nahaja v tretjem nadstropju FRI in predstavalja prostor, ki študentom omogoča delo na različnih projektih iz področja elektronike, razvoja strojne in vgrajene programske opreme, uporabe senzorjev, mikrokontrolerjev…

Frižider je opremljen z osciloskopi, generatorji signala, spajkalnimi postajami, na zalogah so tudi različni mikrokrmilniki (Arduino, Raspberry PI, ipd.), ter senzorji, elektronske komponente, in ostalo.  

V zimskem semestru š.l. 2021-2022 je dostop do Frižiderja na voljo po dogovu z: Janžetom Avsecem ( ali Veljkom Pejovićem ( Koledar dogodkov, ki se bodo izvedli v Frižiderju je na voljo na


Frizider is a maker space located at the third floor of the Faculty of Computer and Information Science building. It's a place where you can work on your own projects related to electronics, sensing and robotics, microcontroller programming, and other related areas. In addition, Frizider hosts workshops targeting different areas of electronics and software/hardware (co)design.

Frizider is fully equipped with oscilloscopes, signal generators, soldering stations, different kinds of microcontroller devices (from Arduinos to Raspberry PIs), sensors, electronic components, etc.

In the winter semester school year 2021/2022 Frizider is accessible by previous arrangement with Janže Avsec ( or Veljko Pejović ( Up-to-date calendar of events can be found at:

Samovpis (študent)
Samovpis (študent)