Mathematical Modelling
Section outline
Pri Matematičnem modeliranju študenti (relativno) realne probleme rešujejo s pomočjo matematičnih modelov. Študenti se spoznajo s timskim delom in lahko sami, skupaj s kolegi v ekipi (in ob pomoči učiteljske ekipe) izpeljejo projekt od začetka do konca.
Predmet je razdeljen na tri glavna poglavja:
- Linearni modeli: sistemi linearnih enačb, posplošeni inverzi matrik
- Nelinearni modeli: vektorske funkcije vektorske spremenljivke, sistemi nelienarnih enačb, krivulje in ploskve
- Krivulje in ploskve
- Dinamični modeli: diferencialne enačbe in dinamični sistemi
During the course of Mathematical Modelling, the students will be solving (relatively) real-life problems with the help of mathematical models. Students will be introduced to teamwork and will be given the opportunity to carry out a complete, relatively complex project from the beginning to the very end together with their colleagues (and with the help of the teaching team).
The course consists of three main topics:
- Linear models: systems of linear equations, generalized inverses of matrices
- Nonlinear models: vector functions of a vector variable, nonlinear systems, curves and surfaces
- Curves and surfaces
- Dynamic models: differential equations and dynamical systems
2025/02/14 09:21 업로드됨
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Lectures: Introduction to the course and mathematical modelling.
2025/02/28 09:05 업로드됨
Lectures: Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse. Existence, proofs and examples.
2025/02/28 09:06 업로드됨
Lectures: Moore-Penrose inverse, underdetermined systems with many and overdetermined systems with no solutions.
Introduction to vector functions. Tangent plane to a function of 2 variables.
2025/03/12 09:13 업로드됨
Vector functions. Derivative/Jacobian matrix. Linear approximation. Tangent method. Newton method.
Jupyter Notebook, to be opened locally
2025/03/11 11:19 업로드됨
2025/03/11 11:20 업로드됨