Week Name Description
Page Course description - Opis predmeta
Page Student requirements - Obveznosti študentov
Page Lab work - Delo na vajah
Page Literature and other sources
Page Julia, VS Code & Jupyter
URL Julia Cheatsheet
File Example of a good project report
File Example 2 of a good project report
Page Project assignment documentation
30 September - 6 October File Notes, lecture 1
URL There is no difference between a donut and a coffee cup ...
URL Topology and topological data analysis (from AYASDI)
Page The intuition behind topology
7 October - 13 October File Notes, lecture 2
File Lab work, 2nd week
14 October - 20 October File Notes, lecture 3
File Lab work #3
URL Cool links (Klein Bottle)
Page Cool links (Voronoi diagrams)
URL Cool links (Homotopy)
URL Cool links (Simplices)
URL Cool links (The Sound of the Moebius Strip)
21 October - 27 October File Notes, lecture 4
File Lab work #4
File Lab work #4 Jupyter Notebook
File line_sweep.jl (Julia file)
File line_sweep.ipnyb (Jupyter Notebook, improvements and alternative approaches)
File HTML of the above
4 November - 10 November File Notes, lecture 5
File Lab work #5 (Jupyter Notebook, to be opened locally)
File basic_scx.jl (basic constructions with abstract simplicial complexes, a Julia file)
11 November - 17 November File Notes, Lecture 6
URL Voronoi game
File Lab work, 6th week
URL Geogebra
18 November - 24 November File Notes, Lecture 7
File Lab work, 7th week
25 November - 1 December File Notes, Lectures 7 & 8
File Lab work, 8th week
2 December - 8 December File Notes, lectures 9
File Lab work #9 (Jupyter Notebook, to be opened locally)
File simplicial_homology.jl (Julia file with complete functions for the above.)
9 December - 15 December File Notes, Lectures 10-11
File Lab work #10
16 December - 22 December File Lab work #11
File Optional lab work #11 (programming your own 'persistent homology' ...)
23 December - 29 December File Lab work #12 (Jupyter Notebook, to be opened locally)
6 January - 12 January File Notes Discrete Morse Theory