Topological data analysis
Section outline
- Žiga Virk (
- Aleksandra Franc (
- Damir Franetič (
Uploaded 31/05/17, 14:04
Introduction. Basic definitions and concepts: metrics, continuous maps, homeomorphisms, homotopy type.
Textbook: Chapter 1
Uploaded 6/10/20, 18:47
Triangulations in the plane, Voronoi diagram, Delaunay triangulation.
Textbook: Chapter 2
Uploaded 14/10/20, 09:43
Uploaded 4/10/24, 19:37
Geometric simplicial complexes, Abstract simplicial complexes, Euler characteristic
Textbook: Chapter 3
Uploaded 20/10/20, 15:04
Uploaded 13/10/24, 11:03
Triangulated manifolds, orientation. Classification of surfaces.
Textbook: Chapter 4-
Uploaded 27/10/20, 15:41
Carve a pumpkin
Simplicial complexes on data sets:
- Vietoris Rips complex
- Cech complex
- The nerve construction
- Mapper
Textbook: Chapter 5
Uploaded 3/11/20, 16:41
Uploaded 7/11/24, 17:26
Uploaded 18/11/24, 18:09
Algebraic groups. Intuition and idea of homology.
Textbook: Chapter 6, idea of chapter 7
Uploaded 10/11/20, 15:17
Uploaded 11/11/24, 18:11
Homology groups
Textbook: Chapters 7 and 8.1
Uploaded 17/11/20, 15:31
Uploaded 19/11/24, 07:46
Computing homology
Textbook: Chapters 7 and 8.1
Uploaded 24/11/20, 15:14
Uploaded 25/11/24, 08:40
Persistent homology
Textbook: Chapter 9
Uploaded 7/11/23, 18:59
Uploaded 4/12/24, 20:15
Uploaded 9/12/24, 06:29
Filtrations, persistence modules, interleavings, Gromov-Hausdorff distance
Textbook: Chapters 9 and 10
Uploaded 7/11/23, 19:00
Uploaded 10/12/24, 10:08
Stability theorem for persistent homology, Wasserstein distance, further developments of persistence, examples of applications
Textbook: Chapter 10
Modified 16/12/24, 14:14
Uploaded 16/12/24, 11:05
Write to Santa...
Uploaded 27/12/24, 21:42
Discrete Morse theory: discrete Morse functions, discrete gradient vector fields; Morse chain complex and Morse homology
Textbook: Chapter 11-
Uploaded 7/11/23, 19:01
Lab work, twice (discrete Morse theory - Tuesday and/or Friday, distance between persistence diagrams - Wednesday)
Uploaded 13/01/25, 17:48
Uploaded 13/01/25, 18:44
Uploaded 15/01/25, 12:59