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Spletna učilnica FRI 24/25
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Undergraduate Programs
University study Computer and Information Science
1st year
Computer Systems Architecture
Discrete Structures
Linear Algebra
Multimedia Topics
Introduction to Digital Circuits
Introduction to Information Systems
Programming 1
Programming 2
Computer Communications
2nd year
Specialist elective courses
Mathematical Modelling
Principles of Programming Languages
Computer Technologies
Algorithms and data structures 1
Algorithms and data structures 2
Computability and Computational Complexity
OPB: Osnove podatkovnih baz
Operating Systems
Computer Systems Organisation
Theory of Information and Systems
Probability and Statistics
3rd year
Algorithms and System Utilities
Analysis of Algorithms and Heuristic Problem Solving
System Software
Information systems
Electronic Business
Organisation and Management
Introduction to Data Mining
Multimedia Systems
Introduction to Graphics Design
Computer Graphics and Game Technology
Management of Information Systems
Informatics Planning and Management
Information Systems Development
Data Management Technologies
Computer Networks
Mobile and Wireless Networks
Communication Protocols
Computer Networks Modeling
Computer Systems
Digital Design
Distributed Systems Computer
Computer Systems Reliability and Performance
Software engineering
Software Development Processes
Platform Based Development
Web Programming
Artificial Intelligence
Intelligent Systems
Development of Intelligent Systems
Machine Perception
Diploma seminar
Economics and Entrepreneurship
Multimedia content
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Software Engineering
Communications security and content protection
General elective courses
English-level A
English-level B
English-level C
MLG: Machine Learning with Graphs
Computer Science in Practice I
Computer Science in Practice II
Computer Science Skills
Computer Science Skills
Computer Science Skills: Functional Programming for the Web
Computer Science Skills: Computer Vision in Practise
Splošne teme (IŠRM)
Splošne teme (Uni)
Professional study Computer and Information Science
Specialist Elective Courses
Digital Circuits
Digital Signal Processing
Electronic and Mobile Business
Graphic Design
Information Systems
IP (Startup Management)
Communications Protocols and Network Security
Multimedia Technologies
Digital Logic Design
Numerical Methods
Decision Systems
Computer Organisation
IT Governance
Databases 2
Data Mining
IT law
Compilers and Virtual Machines
Process Automation
Multimedia Content Production
The C Programming language
Computer Graphics
Information Systems Development
Robotics and Machine Perception
System Software
Web Technologies
Computer Science Skills 2
Computer Science Skills: Containers, Kubernetes and DevOps practices
Game Technology and Virtual Reality
Software Engineering
Testing and Quality
Artificial Intelligence
User Interfaces
Organisation Security
Data Security
Software Security
Embedded Systems
Input-Output Systems
Parallel and Distributed Systems and Algorithms
1st year
Discrete Structures
Operating Systems
Introduction to Probability and Statistics
Programming 1
Programming 2
Computer Architecture
Computer Communications
Introduction to Computer Science
2nd and 3rd year
Algorithms and Data Structures I
Algorithms and Data Structures 2
Industrial Practice
Project Practicum
General elective courses
English-level A
English-level B
English-level C
IP A (Social and Information Network Analysis)
Programming of Energy-Constrained Devices
Computer Science in Practice I
Computer Science in Practice II
Physical education
Computer Science Skills: MSI (Modern Server Infrastructure)
Diploma seminar
Splošne teme (VSŠ)
Diploma Thesis
Thesis defence
Izpiti v epidemičnem času
Topic and thesis defence, 3rd cycle
Thesis defence, 1st and 2nd cycle
Masters Programs
Applied Statistics
Advanced machine learning
Introduction to machine learning
Cognitive Science (interdisciplinary program)
Artificial Intelligence 1
Artificial Intelligence 2
Data Science
Bayesian statistics
Deep learning
Mathematics 2
Principles of uncertainty
Machine Learning for Data Science 1
Machine learning for data science 2
Introduction to data science
Big data
Computer and Information Science
Common courses
Mathematics 1
Mathematics 1
Elective courses (general)
IP (A) (A Course on Algebraic Coding Theory)
IP (A) (Business Intelligence and Data Science Aspects in Practice)
IP (A) (Tools for Large Database Analysis)
Computer science and society 1
Computer science and society 2
Data mining and visualization
Fog Computing for Smart Services
Elective courses (specialist)
Algorithms and Software
Approximation and randomized algorithms
Functional programming
Human-Computer Interaction
Inteligent Data analisys
INA: (Introduction to) Network Analysis
Machine Learning
Artificial Intelligence
Introduction to Bioinformatics
Digital signal processing
Interaction and Information Design
Web Information Extraction and Retrieval
Advanced Computer Graphics
Computer Based Sound Production
Computer Sensory Methods
Advanced topics in computer vision
Biomedical Signal and image Processing
Natural language processing
Image based biometry
Network and Security
Wireless Sensors networks
Digital forensics
Information Security and Privacy
Cryptography and Computer Security
Computer Systems and Computing
Unconventional information processing methods and platforms
Cloud Computing
Computer Systems
High-performance computing
Computational Methods
Discrete Mathematics
Numerical Mathematics
Collective behaviour
Topological data analysis
Mobile Sensing
TRT I: Algorithm Engineering
Digital marketing
Management of production and service processes
IT Governance
Data Mining
Teaching algorithmic thinking
Advanced Software Development Methods
Theory of programming languages
Differentiable programming
Selected Topics in Artificial Intelligence 2 (Tensor networks for machine learning)
Master thesis
Splošne teme (MAG)
Student challenges
Courses for general public
Interaktivnost, sodelovalnost, igrivost pri pouku računalništva in informatike
Poletna šola LegoPy
Računalništvo brez računalnika
Sestavljalnica iger - Unity3D
Sestavljanje mobilnih aplikacij
Spoznavanje programiranje in robotike z Lego Mindstorms
Učenje računalništva s pomočjo tekmovanja Bober
Data Mining (HSE)
Projekti z Arduinom in Raspberry Pijem
Teden programiranja: osnove programiranja v pythonu
Robo liga FRI
Program competition at the Gomoku game
Multimedia Information Retrevial (Selected Topics in Computer Science)
FRI pedagogi
Digital enerpreneurship
FRI pedagogi ankete
Information and Communication Technology and Society
Selected Topics in Artificial Intelligence
Izzivi in priložnosti
Korona info
Programming Basics (FKKT – elective course)
Programming Basics FKKT
Help for Moodle users
Programiranje 1 (DJ, MM, UI, prostoizbirni)
Programiranje za vsakogar
Python 2
Computer Science in Practice
Comuptational Biology
Šport in rekreacija za študente
Exchange Students
Testni predmet KC
Use of IT for study
Uvod v študij računalništva
Introduction to data science
Doctoral Program
Computer and Information Science
In-depth courses
ANTS: Advanced Topics in Network Science
Selected Topics in Computer Systems 1 (Network Measurements and Traffic Monitoring)
Izbrana poglavja iz arhitektur in algoritmov 1 (Contemporary Approaches to Algorithm Design)
Selected Topics in Informatics 1 (Information System Integration Methods)
Izbrana poglavja iz matematičnih metod v računalništvu 1 (Mathematics for Machine Learning)
Izbrana poglavja iz matematičnih metod v računalništvu 1 (Selected topics on Cryptography and Computer Security)
Selected Topics in Computer Systems 2 - Advanced Topics in Ubiquitous Sensing and Learning
Selected Topics in Artificial Intelligence 1
Izbrana poglavja iz umetne inteligence 1 (Big Data)
Izbrana poglavja iz umetne inteligence 1 (Incremental Learning from Data Streams)
Selected Topics in Artificial Intelligence 1 (LLMMLV)
Selected Topics in Artificial Intelligence 2
Izbrana poglavja iz umetne inteligence 2 (Predictive Analytics for Structured Data)
2018/2019 PhD INFOSEC
General courses
2020/2021 PhD INFOSEC
2024/2025 PhD INFOSEC
Research Work 1, 2 and 3
Selected Topics in Computer Systems 1
Selected Topics in Computer Systems 1
Selected Topics in Computer Systems 1
Selected Topics in Software Development 1
Selected Topics in Software Development 1
Seminar 1
Seminar 2/4
Seminar 3
Seminar V
Scientific Skills 1
Scientific Skills II
Drugi študijski programi
ChatGPT for Researchers
Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
Data Mining 101
PhD dissertation
General topics (III)